Dreams and Reality


Why is it that when you do something in real life to yourself that it takes weeks, months, or even years before you can accept it in your dreams? Let me explain, if you lose 50 lbs or get a small scar on your face, you know what you look like in a mirror but in your dreams you continue not to see this difference and try on clothes and wonder why you cannot fit that new size you just lost weight to fit into or recognize your scar is not there when doing make-up in a dream but you know it should be. It takes months before it naturally appears after seeing it everyday and dealing with it on a constant basis. It also has to sink into you subconscious. this was even the case with each new boyfriend growing up and even when I got married, LOL.

However, with my MG it was almost immediate. That was the first  time in my life that happened. Almost as soon as I got the disorder, I dreamed I had it and all it’s effects were there. It scared me. I actually had been dreaming about it before it was completely confirmed. I had constant dreams about not being able to move, pick things up, breathe, walk, and it was horrible. Though the bad dreams have died down because I now am stable and know it is not always like that for MG patients 24/7 I had never been able to have a dream so quickly about current situation. I could see the tubes from the hospitals and every current bruising or scar I had endured during this time. It made me severely anxious as well. The logical psychologist in me says it’s stress; however, if you knew me well you would know that stress encompasses many of the other things I spoke on as well. So I guess maybe the level of stress, then…

I have a lot of ‘premonition’ dreams and I have a lot of lucid dreams where I can will something to happen because I know I am dreaming but never the type of dreaming I’m talking about deals with how we perceive our own bodies and selves on a daily basis. How we see our lives. I can never quite dream about the normal me usually the next day if something drastic happens like a new haircut, a fresh scar, tattoo, or the like.

Am I the only one?


  1. Nena · August 26, 2015

    I have the same experience with dreams! The “premonition” and lucid kinds. But when it comes to me in the dream my looks constantly change lol. I’ll have short hair, then long, then it changes colors, then my face looks different, then I’m someone complete different, but it’s still me; all in the same dream. And when it’s something I subconsciously fear it comes out repeatedly in my dreams, too. Even if I didn’t think it was that big of a deal when I’m awake. Dreams are sooo interesting!

    Liked by 3 people

    • ladycamecu · August 26, 2015

      OMG I so thought I was the only one! I am the same way I love reading books on dreams to try and understand them better and Freud is one of my favorite psychs for this reason. I feel I always look different too but it takes a while before I see several dreams of the new look of my reality. I get a lot of dreams of being different people too which is weird but fun too sometimes, lol

      Liked by 1 person

      • Nena · August 26, 2015

        Yes! I’m always analyzing my dreams. Well, if they made an impact. Sometimes they are just nonsensical LOL. What books would you recommend? Freud’s idea of dreams is definitely interesting!

        Liked by 1 person

        • ladycamecu · August 26, 2015

          The interpretation of dreams and the psychopathy of everyday life are 2 of my favs. basic but good. I want his wishful dream book which is actually out of print…if only I could get my hands on that, LOL

          Liked by 1 person

          • Nena · August 26, 2015

            If you’re looking for Welsh’s Freud’s Wishful Dream Book I found it here:
            Freud’s Wishful Dream Book https://www.amazon.com/dp/0691037183/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_.aD3vbRKHFY6Z

            Liked by 1 person

            • ladycamecu · August 26, 2015

              Wow thanks, I wanted to see his understanding of Freud and they have very few collector’s books available especially with it being out of print. I could not find it in ANY book store.

              Liked by 1 person

            • Nena · August 26, 2015

              Yes, something like that would be really hard to find in bookstores:/ Looks like someone is selling their copy on Amazon;)

              Liked by 1 person

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