1 Year ago today- Blogging Star


So maybe I’m not a blogging star but I have become a hero and star in my own right! I feel like I have accomplished more than I ever thought was possible by blogging. I feel like I have already written and finished a book from blogging alone. I mean I have already reached a international audience of people with my personal story and given you all an intimate look inside my zaney conscience and sub-conscience. I am truly surprised that some of you are still around after some of it, really I feel like sometimes someone better go fly fishing and hook me before I drift away. I mean I’m trying to coin the term #teamweird because I embrace the weirdness people. It’s who I am and I am okay with. Weird people make the world go round!

When I tell you I am I could not have made this journey without all you wonderful readers I mean it! You guys have read my good, bad, and FUNNY moments and responded with the most love and constructive criticism that a gal could EVER ask for! I have learned so much in my one year of blogging and yet I feel there is so much more to learn!

It is not only my outlet for emotion/ expression, but for my true art(s), networking, and learning and viewing other art. I especially love the aspect of just viewing other people’s art and ‘traveling’ at my fingertips and learning about the world through others’ blogs. It makes me want to just reach through the screen and tip myself into the postcard-like photos and relax in the tropics, mountains, rustic countryside, rollings hills, forests, and everything in between. I love the cityscapes and the busy shops and cobble stones and architecture. Then there are the historic aspects that you guys talk about so passionately. The libraries, museums, parks, homes, and restaurants, the culture.

I get to pick the brains of intelligent people across the world and learn more about my own field of study. I even get to learn about my disorder from people who have to people who are trying to cure it.

This last year I have had BLOG LUST and I love it! To everyone someone else’s life seems amazing no matter how boring to you it may seem. Once it is all on paper it may still yet seem boring but once you start writing about all the things you do daily and see, someone will ask the right questions that will open your world up and show you that your life is not as boring as it seems and you too will know that you need only look and life awaits!


Cleaning Diaries: Part II

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Have you ever found yourself doing something you did not really want to do but you know you had an obligation to do and so you zoned out to do it? Like you completely went into autopilot mode to get it done and if someone looked you in the portals of your soul known as your eyes it would like like a reptiles when it gets close to hitting an object and that protective lens shields them.


But suddenly there is the smell or sight of something so horrid that brings you out of that trance that you almost wretch in utter bewilderment. You think why couldn’t I be immune to the filth? But then you say because I am human and these creatures I am cleaning up behind are from some great unknown and undiscovered colony teeming with bacteria.

I mean when they asked me to clean the fridge weekly, I was glad it was during my training and my trainer was able to tell them it was not currently part of ‘our’ duties and that she could email my operations manager if they wanted that added or done on the side. The like to ask for things to be done for free constantly to see if I will do it. Moreover, instead of saying you do a great job EVER to my boss…the one time I got a complaint it was to ask if the ‘cleaning person’ had been in (which they knew they had from the trash being put out and the recycling being gone and the make-up being removed from their phones) She the says well we have had a lot dead worms by the door for a week and all they had to do was vacuum them up.

My first thought was EWWWW! Then I was like wait this was the hall that the light has been out that they refused to fix and I cannot see down. So but I refused to make excuses to my boss and I just told him I would do better next time. I asked her to please replace the lights and still did not make an excuse and she did so.

But what I really want to say again was EWW and why would you let that go that long…Then she said it was because of all the rain…Then you tell me how to do my job…but really it’s not all I had to do I do not have the tools to do all that. There is no crevice device on my vacuum which I am sure she knows and could care less. Moreover, I also have to clean your whole building and be pest control for your VERY pest infested building. Which I showed in Cleaning Diaries: Part I.

They have spiders, lady bugs, 2-3 types of beetles, millipedes, and 2-3 other types of bugs I have yet to ID. Plus a few other flying things. Some of these things are purely because the building is set near the woods but some of it is because the place is not secure (properly enclosed) and clean. If I am only there 3 days a week and people are there 5 days a week but can be there 7 days a week and leave whole sinks full of dishes, fridges of rotting food that smell up the entire floor, and open food and drinks at/ on desks every day for days it’s no wonder!

If my boss or manager cleans behind me and reprimands me I am not upset because they catch things before the business does and they are looking out for the companies best interest for repeat business and to prevent possible issues. Moreover, they want us to continue to look the best in their eyes. Furthermore, they also want make sure we are doing our jobs and they know what we should be doing, what we are capable of and how to do the jobs so I do not take offense because they do the jobs themselves. But it can definitely be hard taking criticism of any kind from a person who probably has never professionally cleaned behind ANYONE. Cleaning behind your children is not enough. You need to see and clean behind more STRANGERS to get the gravity of how this works. To truly understand why this can truly be rewarding and hard to deal with at times.

It’s rewarding because you get a glimpse into other people’s lives. You see people who are truly devoted to their families. Some to God. Some to art. You see the culture and the love they share by the care they have taken to place things just right on their desks, walls, and screensavers. They really want to have a piece of their live with them at work to keep them centered. Then you see those who just want to ‘show’ that’s who they are but do not really mean it. Then you have those who take the very neutral or plain approach and have nothing on their desk and either just want to focus or just want to e very direct and so forth. Either way it works for them. I really like to observe as I clean. You may say you shouldn’t have all this time to observe but when you do it 3 times a week for months you notice a little something each time until you see it ‘all’ at each area. You do not stand at each area and just take it in. And if you get an occasion to talk to someone for a split second then that can be just as rewarding sometimes. Many times it makes me want to take care of them that much more because you have made a connection with them.

I do enjoy cleaning though I do not always choose to do it as often as I have to do it for my part-time job, lol. At least I know it is something I can easily do and I am obviously good at it.

Aging Gracefully

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Sometimes I just sit and ponder…okay all the time, LOL. I daydream like it’s my job and one day I hope it will be. I hope I can completely convert to writing and people paying me to read about my craziness. Not here of course because I always want my blog to be free. I want people to always have some area where they can ‘easily’ access my thoughts.

Anyways, I sit and ponder aging. Sometimes it scares me to think I am aging and have yet to accomplish the things I want to in life. But then I think about all the famous and not so famous people who were well into life, well into their 30s, 40s, 50s and so on before they accomplished the fame that we know them for today. I also think about the lifespan that we have today compared to decades and centuries ago. Though no one is promised tomorrow or even the next second, I have time create these things as long as I am working toward them and not procrastinating upon them.

My great grandfather is 92 years old and acts and moves much like a 20 year old. My great aunt is in her late 60s and NOT one of my friends believes me when I say it. They looked at her picture from this weekend from a commencement ceremony for a reunion and they said she looks like she is in her late 30s or mid 40s at best. When I tell her this she laughs and says they are too kind but they are your friends, they have to say that…She has no idea…my friends can be harsh and very honest, LOL. They have properly aged many in my family and even over aged a few.

A lot of it has to do with the confidence one has too though. It is exuded in the way we walk, talk, and act daily. I learned that when my confidence is highest I could be in the worst outfit imaginable to me and yet no one notices because I feel like a million bucks and I’m happy and my skin glows and I walk like it’s a new trending outfit despite the despair of the outfit sometimes, LOL.

Sometimes a new outfit can do this, a new hairdo, or glasses, but for me I have learned that just owning your age but not looking is the new confidence. By learning to own a less stressful lifestyle and enjoying life I can have this! I want to be like the many examples I see in my family. My family and friends keep me young and I am learning to let go of my fear when it comes to aging!

Goals Goals Goals- So Excited


I am so excited today! I won’t say everything is going my way but I will say that today is definitely an amazing day! I’m reaching goals and working toward new goals everyday.Moreover, as I reach old goals I make new ones and push toward those. Right now I just hit 12 weeks without plasma exchange treatment for myasthenia gravis again and that is my second time doing that but this time I do not feel like last time. I do not feel like I need treatment right now. Last time at this point I wanted treatment 2 weeks before this but I was just hanging on. Right now I feel like I can go another 2-4 weeks no problem. So I will. If I feel like I can go further I will, but make no mistake, I will not sacrifice NUMBERS for my health.

My next goal was to get in more exercise and I am doing this daily. I started walking more, bought a spin bike, and a fit bit. I am all over this challenge. I even started tracking my food again. Not really eating as a DIET because I still eat what I want just making sure that I do not put more in than I expend and that I get enough for what I am doing. You have to eat calories to burn them. I tend to be in starvation mode quite often, especially because I skip breakfast A LOT.

My final goals are making sure that I continue to keep my bucket list STRONG! I am still working on checking things off that list. I have travel dates set for going to Europe and I am almost to my 50 book reading goal for the year and I will be checking off a few more things as well. I am totally psyched!

Annual Bucket List: 2016

Do a local bike race- spin bike is getting me ready
get yoga mat/basic training
Visit wizarding world of Harry Potter- I will do this in London
Read 50 books — at 43 books almost done but I won’t stop there
Buy a Go Pro
Go Sky Diving
Go to a State I have not been to before
Go to 5th Cirque Du Soliel Performance- have to go out of state thanks to HB2 chaos
Paint Pottery
Throw Pottery (as in make my on pottery)
Decorate my house for fall
Decorate my house for Christmas
Take a romantic trip with my husband
Volunteer with a charity monthly
Take a culinary class
Go swimming (you would be amazed that since being diagnosed with MG I have not swam once because I have started to have fear that it would become over exterted and not be able to get out of the water….says the former lifeguard and scuba certified person)
Be sling shot (it a weird bungee course thing that looks like a giant sling shot)
Go to Canada

Master Bucket List

Write a book- In the process
Have a baby/ adopt a child
Create a Charity
Run a business
Travel overseas like a nomad (England, France, Italy, etc)- Scheduled for Sept.2016
Go to Disneyland
Go to a bioluminscent bay
Have my music music produced and perform it
Help Find a Cure for MG
Go to Alaska- see the Northern Lights
Pose for a sexy calendar

Writing is FUNdamental


Have you ever began a project and known it was gold but still had a plan A, B, or even C cooked up just in case something went awry? I’m not saying that could be the case with the book I am writing now but as it is developing more and more I keep waking up with more and more ideas for other books and some not related to the series I am currently working on.

It’s exciting and nerve racking all at once because I want to retain my faith and confidence in this book but I also want to possibly begin on something else just in case when I go to submit something to a publishing company/editor and they look at it, IF they have that moment where they say weeeeell do you have anything else at the moment this may not be the market for it. I mean I do understand that sometimes you have to push for it anyway but I also understand that you have to trust them to know and there is a fine line.

It all depends on how you feel once it’s done! Right now I wonder if I should create more than one at a time. I do not do it intentionally, more as a side note. As a few words come to me I go and type them in and leave it at that and go back to my main work. I wonder if this is normal. It doesn’t take long keeps me intrigued and keeps my element of fun in it. Any suggestions or thoughts out there?

I Hate Editing, but I Must!

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So this was a problem I started to have while in my second round of grad school. When I was receiving that ‘much needed’ second masters in my mind I began to hate reading over my work that I had written for errors and editing it for several reasons.

  1. The was a center for editing and though it was not perfect, if you turned it in early enough it did the work for you and you barely had to edit anything.
  2. The papers would become so long that after about 10 pages I seriously got tired of hearing my own voice out loud and reading my own work over and over.
  3. I wanted the one work to be over with already. When you see something for too long you stop seeing the errors and sometimes the ‘smart’ processors, computers, and other technology we use no longer see the issues either until YOU can look at it with fresh eyes and say wait that was not the word I meant write there. (boy I have even seen that several times in my short stories lately when others have been helping me and lately and I have been both ashamed and embarrassed).
  4. I am just not good at correcting grammatical errors. I am NOT NOT NOT! I do not choose to change this. I learn a little each time I write but not enough to memorize or get it right and each time I think I have something down, it seems as if it was only a exception not the rule. UGH!
  5. And finally, I just get over excited sometimes. I sometimes think I have a perfect work or a work that is just ready to go because I have worked so hard on it and I have totally forgotten the editing process because I have been working so long or hard on it and just want to get it out there. Despite how important editing is and that can kill you every time. People will stop reading your work if it becomes to hard to read from spelling or grammatical errors, or worse yet you simply left out or placed the wrong word when you meant something totally different. That can change the whole temperament of the piece.

All issues I must overcome to become a better writer even if I hire editors! You need to be able to do this job so that you are able to trust them that much more to edit your pieces and know they are doing an amazing job. I will become a better writer and EDITOR.

I Have Found It! Author coming soon!


So I have finally found the software needed to begin writing my book and paired with my dragon voice software I can easily begin talking in one document and import it into my book writing software and begin making novels. I am excited. I have 2 or 3 different ideas to begin with but the first step was to find the right software for me. I have found that now and it happens to be reasonably priced. It’s 2016’s top pick too. I am stocked!

I know that all of us who are bloggers are authors and if you do not believe you are, you are lying to yourself. You may not be the most famous one, but you are an author. You are either creative in your storytelling writing poetry and painting beautiful portraits in our minds that may be horrific, twisted and gorgeous, or plain and simple. You may even be just speaking the truth as it happened giving us the news or an autobiographical account of your life. It makes you no less of an author. You still evoke a feel of emotional distress or eustress from your readers and have them coming back for more and gaining more readers in the process.

I’ve wanted to write a book since I was in middle school perhaps even earlier about my life. So much had already happened to me, even at such a young age. SO you can imagine the stories I have now to fill it up with. I have always intentionally gone out of my way to be different but in doing so I have actually always naturally been different when not even trying to the point that it was comical. I intentionally tried to choose subjects, places, and activities that others would not because I did not dare to be stereotyped. I did not liked to be defined I wanted to keep people guessing at what I may do next. Would I do something wild eccentric or calm and mellow. I went with my moods and the vibe I was getting from my surroundings.

As I am aging and enjoying life and my books I want to write more than just my poetry which I have actually been neglecting for quite some time. I want to write a fantasy novel. I spend so much time in that ‘world’ while reading and then when I am daydreaming that I feel that I could truly write a really awesome fiction fantasy book. I mean between James Dashner and Rick Riordan I am so enthralled I can hardly contain myself on which route to go there! Though I love real word and plain fiction like Robert Galbraith ( AKA JK Rowling) I just am not sure if I want to get into any thriller books yet because some of my biggest fans (meaning the ones I WANT to read it –MY MOM, LOL–, not just who read my blog and WOULD/MAY read it) are too squeamish for such things. That may have to come later on. I want them to be able to enjoy one book and preferably the first one! I don’t need mom to have nightmares or never speak to me again because she read a uber gross line and it made her faint or sick, especially while she was eating.

Now the only thing left for me to do is buy it! I will probably wait another week or 2…it’s tax time and I just bought a ton of stuff recently. Then again…who knows…lol. I get overexcited sometimes and with these ideas who can keep me down! I may just have to rearrange some things so I can start this engine up. No offense to my fellow bloggers who put their books/novels on here, but I only plan on putting a small short story here that will not be the one I am publishing for the big time!!!

It will be a simultaneous tester perhaps, but I have to go big. I have faith and hope that’s what this imagination station runs on along with an infinite amount of creative spice!


I Enjoy Learning…#GEEKALERT

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I am probably one of those weird people you pick on or laugh at because they just do not know how to stop. I enjoy doing research and sometimes to a fault. I find myself going down the rabbit hole and sometimes hours have passed where I only mean to spend a few minutes looking into something.

I have a deep thirst for knowledge. But do not get it wrong, just like with anything I enjoy what I choose to learn about. I find things that interest me. However, there are times that I force myself to learn about things that are relevant so that I am not ignorant to what is happening in the world. I do not like to look completely out of the loop in educated and sophisticated conversation when in my corporate environment. I also think that to move and groove in this world you need to understand that even if you do not agree with all the politics and judicial hoopla of the world that you should at least know what is occurring because it usually will affect you or someone you know in some way.

I have learned that it is best to have some tacit and fluid knowledge about these things so that when it comes up in conversation (and it will when you least expect it) that you can advise someone on it or give your take in a well versed manner and then bow out gracefully saying your piece and and sometimes it’s really just PEACE to prevent from taking a true side because you are not willing to.

I have found that with some of my friends, family, and co-workers they have brought up interesting conversations about every aspect of life. These things have affected them or someone they know or have weighed heavily on them in some way and they have voiced them to me. I may not have a true view or opinion of them but I immediately begin mulling things over in my mind and deciding how I may feel in my head about it. What I know about such things from trending things and books I have read and then if I can remember any articles or recent discussions I may have had recently. I typically do not watch much news (though I have been getting better about this lately trying to do so about 30-60 min a week). I know that may sound strange but I find that by looking over articles and finding supporting information I feel more scholarly like when I was in school and I can build a case for what is valid, reliable, and sustainable. My friends sort of look at me as someone who is a fact checker of such information.

I enjoy the unvoiced position I have be given. They asked me what I think about a particular topic and if I do not know about it, they feed me a few bits about it. I come up with my own opinions and thoughts, and then they ask me about it again in about 24-48 hours because they want to finish the conversation if they give me that long, LOL. They know I will look up the information and they know I will come with the facts and let them know if indeed something is debatable, worth looking into, and if it will become our next fb conversation to chime in on.


I may not read the 1000pg book on science but I will read the 20-50 page scientific article on it. I also enjoy the lovely thesis papers and the almost fiction books that are partially based on it. Moreover, if you give me a documentary on it, a non-fiction book, or  biographical book on the subject i’m all in! I loved the down an dirty or plain and simple version of what really happened! I loved adding the tidbits that most people would never know from online and that most people would never remember from real life knowing the person or otherwise. It’s fun dropping ‘secret’ hints about things. I love that insider information that comes from learning. I am such a geek…Way to go parents…you succeeded!

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I’m Awesome!

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I refuse to believe anything less about myself! No this is not part of my therapy routine I have not started yet, lol. I simply believe this about all that I do and embody. However, there are aspects about me that I do not like, just like everyone else. I simply believe that with all that I do I friggin rock and sometimes I feel like I should toot my own horn.


There are days like yesterday where I am on it. I somehow manage to get everything going in the right direction and moving and still have a smile on my face. I set up several appointments for myself and my husband at different offices through a series of phones calls and emails. I had a conference call that seemed to go on forever and the way my attention is set up sometimes I struggled so hard to pay attention that I actually managed to pay attention at the right times. DO NOT ask me how that happened.

Then I was able to still manage to get all my work done on time and still keep my stress levels down. Though my strength and mind were totally on ‘E’ I mean I felt like I was happy as a lark and oblivious to everything but very tired and ready for a good ole nap all day.

I was still on a roll though. I got all this accomplished, moved through the day. Kept my cell on my hip and constantly in play (multitasking master here) because I was making constant moves/ appts. Then when I off one job went straight to the other things seemed to move in slow motion. I didn’t put my bluetooth headphones on like normal to play my music/ receive calls and I felt naked and sluggish. I knew I would still get through the job in time because I had managed to get there in time to get done by the time I desired even after staying later at my full-time job to make up time for earlier in the week. I was still on a role but boy did I want my music. When things started to slow down mentally I did have to give in to one snapchat moment where I documented work feeling never ending. Then I got back on it and kept going.

I finished and saw a text from the hubbs…and though my day was great his was not as on point but I didn’t let it spoil my day because funny enough (and maybe not so nicely) it was a gloating moment for me. He says, “guess what, I broke my glasses”. I’m thinking to myself the same glasses that you misplace several times a day, that you throw about haphazardly roll over on the floor in your sleep while napping on the floor, don’t wear protective goggles over while working in landscaping? Those? The same ones that you have broken a trillion times and the last time we went to get them fixed they said they probably won’t be able to fix them again because they are so far beyond repair…THOSE? Then your eyes are so bad that you squint even with them on…And you got those like in 2008 and when I say you need new ones and we have insurance just get new ones you keep putting it off…saying you will and each time they break you say I should go ahead…I keep saying before the next time they break and they say they won’t help you because you are not a client of theirs or that they are beyond repair…

Well sometimes…I told you so is just not enough! LOL. So he is rocking a rubber band over his frames right now. I do not feel bad at all because I have designer frames for way cheap from an awesome place (America’s Best) 2 pair during their sale and you get 3 years of free eye exams for $99 and he won’t even go in for that. Silly man! Sometimes you have to drag men kickin and screamin to health appointments…I never thought it was that serious or true…BUT GEESH! I feel like I should be enetered in the Austrailian wife dragging husband race competition. At least there are prizes and recognition for it. Him and the eye doctor thing is ridiculous to the point of hilarity, I’m like what do you think is going to happen in there man? Can’t be as bad as your ER trip a few months ago for a scratched cornea. That was one of the funniest days ever, though at the time he wasn’t laughing!


But even he admitted last night I was awesome on top of everything last night because I still didn’t say, “I TOLD YOU SO” I just giggled at his rubber band and said what did you put in the oven? He laughed and said well there is enough for you and can I have one of your powerade drinks and we talked about all the appointments scheduled which one of them SHOULD have been an EYE APPOINTMENT for GOLDILOCKS!

What IF…


What if everything you took for granted suddenly disappeared or stopped working? I mean everything! Some of us would be in real trouble. First on the list goes your lovely home state and city. We always forget about this and all it has to offer. I know I do and I am so guilty of this as I always want to get out to see the WORLD but when people come to visit I can barely tell them of all the new or lovely things in the area because I just have not explored my city as often as I should. But more importantly this would mean those fancy cars and how they operate, those lovely homes, the kitchens, the many bathrooms (for which you bought them), all the land, all the clothes, shoes, and hair, down to how your body functions.

YES, the functions, your walking, talking, holding things, eating, breathing, and heart beating. For those of us who have chronic disorders, are not as wealthy (or well off), or have family members in these positions, we constantly think about what it would be like to lose something so precious and valuable.

There are less things taken for granted daily than the average person takes for granted because we are more aware and living in the moment and constantly reminded of it. We do not try to be constant reminders to others but in a way it’s not a negative thing to make you rethink how you are spending your time and money. It makes you more conscience; smarter and efficient with the resources you have. Sometimes it makes you live more in the present and less in the past and the DISTANT future saying I will only SAVE and keep my head down and NEVER have fun. So explore and travel there are many options and with apps like living social and groupon you do not have to pay very much or travel very far to have fun.

Having a life like mine makes people act in many ways. However, I say it is yours to live as you please. The one thing I will say is to not let it pass you by. Do not forget that you only get one of them and that it will not stop moving forward. Think about if you will regret not acting on something and if you will find yourself having other opportunities for it (though we are not always promised that, would you realistically have another chance).