The Beautiful Blogger Award


Seriously I don’t even know how this happens! I am overwhelmed. I can barely believe that people read my little blog let alone enjoy it enough to think that me or the blog is beautiful, LOL. I know…I know I should have more confidence but I am still in shock. And then the fact that I just received an award just yesterday LOL. You guys sure know how to make a southern gal feel special and get all these little girly feelings that a tomboy usually would not admit to having!

Thank you so much Heather from Crazy With Love for nominating me for the Beautiful Blogger Award!!! I am so deeply flattered! I am still learning how to take compliments and these awards are definitely teaching me!

If you haven’t checked her blog, get on it. She’s wonderfully amazing! She says what we are all thinking, and expresses it with such a beautiful heart and funny quirk. I see you thinking about clicking on her link…don’t think, just go…

Alrighty let’s DO THIS::

As Always…The Rules…

  • Link the blogger who took the time to nominate you.
  • List 7 random things about yourself.
  • Nominate 7 creative beautiful bloggers.
  • Notify the bloggers that you nominated their blog for the award.

My 7 Random tidbits are: (drum roll)

  1. Somehow in the last 18 months I became a girly girl loving fashion (but I am still very tomboy, LOL) My friends who have watched this transition are floored!
  2. I would rather clean my whole house than wash dishes
  3. Tingling in my face does not equal spidey senses for someone with MG it means I need calcium LMBO
  4. I love singing the songs from phantom of the opera (and I do it very well)
  5. My favorite movie is the Labyrinth (yes with David Bowie and Muppets)
  6. I once left a cocoa butter stick in my bookbag and it melted and the smell would not come out no matter how many times I washed it now the smell makes me nauseous every time I smell it
  7. Every vacation or trip I take is near water because I love it and I secretly always pack a swimsuit on every vacation I go on no matter where I go even if I do no know if a pool or water if nearby!

My nominees are:

Gail G


The Teenager




Lynz Real Cooking

Thank You to all my lovely readers I truly appreciate you!



  1. FreeBryd · September 23, 2015

    Congrats girl! You deserve it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. melxdyy · September 23, 2015

    Thanks for nominating me! This means a lot:)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Heather · September 23, 2015

    You’re awesome chicklette 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sarah's Attic of Treasures · September 23, 2015

    Hey, I can comment. Finally……Chris, Thank you.This means the world to me.
    Especially coming from you.
    I will try and get this done . TRY is the word. You know me, I am always behind.
    Thank you though.
    Love it and love you.
    I almost forgot to congrat YOU.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. JoHanna Massey · September 23, 2015

    You are indeed a very beautiful blogger! Congratulations!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. finesseh · October 7, 2015

    Congrats, that’s awesome. You most definitely deserve it and more. You have a great blog here love! Keep inspiring and enlightening!

    Liked by 1 person

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